How colour can impact a person’s mood and well-being

On a basic level, the duration of light and day each day will affect a person’s mood and well-being. Many people are affected in the winter months when there are less hours of light. This is why light therapy is very popular and also mood lights for SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Our very bodily rhythm depends on colour, called our circadian rhythm. This is our natural sleep and wake cycle, aligned with day and night and affects your body’s natural physical, mental and behavioural outcome. This can become out of kilter if you do shift work, for example, but can be adjusted by changing the lights around you to match your natural cycle.  

Looking at colours can have an energetic effect on you. For example, red, orange and yellow are very active and stimulating colours, whereas green, blue and violet are very cool, passive and calming colours.  

Colours are extremely powerful for alleviating symptoms of depression. Stimulating colours, such as a hot pink, would help this. This is why just wearing a vibrant colour can heighten your mood. Blue, green and violets help to cool fever. Cool colours can be beneficial to help support healing.  

Emotional Health and Colour 

The connection between colour and emotion is subtle but powerful. Goethe connected colour to emotions. He thought yellow was the highest purity colour and carries with it the nature of brightness and has a serene and happy character associated with it.  

Mental health can be improved with colour because with these conditions you are most probably living within the realms of dull colour imagery in your mind. NLP is extremely helpful in this respect because it is a tool to allow you to change the colour of the pictures and to make positive pictures vivid to improve perception and mood. It can help with self-esteem issues and bright white tones can help raise dark thoughts. Usually, the colours in our homes and the colours of the clothes we wear reflect our mood.   

Use colour to improve your life and health 

Think about: 

-The colours you choose to wear. Black absorbs people’s emotions around you, while bright colours reflect them and improve mood for you and all around you. 

-The colours of the rooms that you spend time in  

-The colours used in baths and vapours  

To support mood, choose greens and blues 

Thoughts- choose yellows 

Health-choose reds, hot pinks and oranges